Ready Public Server CS 1.6. If you want to raise your own public server Counter-Strike 1.6, then this version of Public will be one of the best options. The most basic plugins are already included in the assembly, and server.cfg is configured for a full game.
This Public Server fully visible on the internet. The work is based on two protocols 48/47. You don't need to install anything to play. Act point by point:
1. Download the archive and unzip it on a hosting or VDS.
2. Change the server name to your own.
3. Prescribe yourself an admin. Do not forget!
As we can see, nothing complicated. Everything is already assembled and ready to play. We raise our Public Server in a few minutes!
The server assembly includes:
Metamod 1.19p32
Amxmodx 1.8.1
Dproto 0.9.87
Mmtimer 1.6
Installed plugins:
csf_anticheat.amxx - Server anti-cheat (without client side).
weaponmenu.amxx - WeaponMenu for choosing weapons. To call, write in the console weaponmenu.
inp_medium.amxx - The plugin prescribes rates for players and, plus, reduces ping and lags on the server.
admin_spec_esp.amxx - Admin plugin for tracking cheaters. A kind of input for admins.
admins_reload.amxx - Plugin solves the problem with admins on multi-protocol (47+48) server.
admin_check.amxx - Discover, is there an admin on the server. Checked by the team /admin
bhpk.amxx - Plugin kicks player from server for high ping. Configurable.
statsx_shell.amxx - Colorful statistics for the server.
simple_wh_blocker.amxx - WH lock. Mini anti-cheat.
admin_vgk.amxx - VIP for admin. At the start of the round, all grenades and armor.
ad_manager.amxx - Posts "ads" in chat (are written in the file advertisements.ini)
grab_plus.amxx - Graber for moving players and various items on the server. Carried out by the Alt button (you can bind with a command bind alt + grab)
deagsmapmanager.amxx - Choosing the next card + Last round. Cards can be nominated, by registering them in the chat and launch the selection with the command rtv.
hostname_timeleft_rus.amxx - The server name will indicate the time of the game on the current map.
voteban_rus.amxx - Plugin /voteban - If there are no admins on the server, then players can nominate the cheater for a ban and ban him. Russian version of the plugin.
afk_manager.amxx - Player kick, if he's afk.
game_destroyer.amxx - Plugin for breaking CS cheater. Team amx_destroy player nickname.
c4timer.amxx - Shows a timer until the bomb explodes.
colored_translit.amxx - New chat with various goodies.
;endroundmusicmp3.amxx - Music plays at the end of the round. Plugin is disabled by default.
;simpleadminmodels.amxx - Admin models for server admins. Plugin is disabled by default.
Installed maps:
Command to start the server on VDS:
./hlds_run -game cstrike +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 32 +ip +port 27015
Let's analyze the launch setting:
+map de_dust2 - map, which will be on the server at startup.
+maxplayers 32 - number of slots on the server.
+ip - Server IP address (we enter our).
+port 27015 - server port.
To stop the server, press Ctrl + C
3 Replies to “Public Server CS 1.6”
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Excellent build. Works stably, at least almost a month worked and not a single fall. Well done. More such assemblies.
I agree. Decent build of the game server. Uploaded hosting without errors. Download guys and you will be happy.
no need)